
Posts Tagged ‘calligraphy’

At Crown Tournament, back in May, I had the opportunity to make scrolls for John Spooner and His wife Katrina Prebendstoddir when they were inducted into the Baronial order of the Friends of the Hare. Both are talented artists so this was quite intimidating (I wrote in my diary at the time that the project provoked bone-crushing anxiety. It was also my first attempt to use gouache paints, a step up from watercolours of the past.

The words for John’s were based on a 13th C Italian text and the other was 12th C Flemish, so I decided to use images and calligraphy that matched those times and places.

I had fun putting the collapsible table John built as a shield between the two Hares.

A calligraphed scroll with a line of leafy decoration along the left side and two brown Hares on either side of a circle painted with small red and blue diamonds.

Katrina had made a bunny-themed sideless surcote to wear at the Baroness’s Bunny Ball earlier that year, so I decided to find a way to include it in the design. I had completely forgotten to post about that event here, though I did write about it for another blog: Renaissance Dancing for Fun and Fitness

A double line of dancers facing away from the camera. Katrina is the last dancer on the right, wearing bunny ears and a green dress decorated with carrots.

The funny part was that Katrina wore that dress to the event. The fierce rabbits at the bottom are because she and John both enjoy axe and knife throwing.

My most recent attempt was for Sir Mordain Blackcloak’s induction into the Order of the Silver Hare. Mordain is one of the first people I met when I moved to Skraeling Althing back in 1985. The challenge here was a new-to me-script and so many words!

Calligraphed scroll with a fighter carrying a sword tucked into a large introductory red “T”, and a grey hare holding a large sword and Mordain’s tiny shield with his coat of arms at the bottom.

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